講座筆記 【GNA 青年培力計畫: 第一天之 你想改變什麼?】

GNA 的青年培力計畫匯集了來自 7 個不同國家的 23 名青年,是那份對解決人權問題和實現有意義的變革有著濃厚興趣的那顆心將其匯聚一堂。 儘管群年輕人關注著不同面向人權議題——從移工的權利到氣候變遷、轉型正義等等——但他們都有一個共同的抱負,那就是產生對社會的正面的影響。
為有效地引導這種集體熱情,我們組織了一個有趣的活動,透過每組五到六人組成的小組討論讓大家找尋彼此的共通點。 參與者有機會分享他們的興趣,然後集體選擇一個他們有興趣的議題。這個議題要是他們熱於共同解決的議題,並需圍繞這個議題展開未來的倡議活動。
GNA 邀請了四位經驗豐富的倡議家來指導和擔任導師,為制定成功的倡議策略提供寶貴的建議,特別是在選擇一個搶眼主題的關鍵階段分享指導建議。
- 孫興瑄,環境權保障基金會研究員和倡議專員
- 施逸翔,現任台灣人權促進會秘書長
- 吳靜如,現任台灣國際勞工研究員
- 林文亮,亞洲公民未來協會
這項活動在計劃中發揮了重要作用,它促進了倡議家和參與者之間的聯繫,同時使參與者能夠與台灣的公民社會組織和非政府組織工作者接觸。 此外,它還為非政府組織運動者提供了一個平台,讓他們深入了解東南亞和台灣青年的關注點和觀點,為他們提供了一個傾聽和了解對這一群體至關重要的問題的機會。
倡議導師促進了小組討論,確保每個成員都有機會表達他們對特定議題的個人擔憂。 每位參與者都有時間分享他們的熱情、知識,或他們是否有與這些問題相關的經驗。 群體內部的多樣性是顯而易見的; 有些參與者是深入參與特定事業的經驗豐富的倡議家,而許多參與者則透過加入 GNA 計劃,邁出了進入基層工作的第一步。 廣泛的經驗和專業知識豐富了對話,促進了參與者之間思想和觀點的動態交流。
隨後,倡議家們引導了一場討論,為了幫助小組確立一個合適的共同關注的主題。他們提出了一些問題,例如是否有一個普遍存在的問題引起了小組大多數成員的共鳴,或者各種關注點之間是否有交叉點可以共同解決。這次關鍵性的對話標誌著小組在接下來的整個專案中共同努力的起點。 這是他們團隊合作的基礎,也指引他們前進的方向。
- 橘隊: 改變大眾對移工的看法
- 藍隊: 為台灣弱勢群體提供教育和賦權
- 綠隊: 為在台灣生活的國際(東南亞)學生提供更多支持和機會
- 紫隊: 拆除該地區的獨裁者紀念碑
隨著時間的推移,各小組不斷調整和完善他們的活動理念,但這四個主題仍然是各小組工作的主幹。 請繼續關注我們計畫已獲得更多的更新,以了解每個小組的活動是如何發展的!
GNA Youth Capacity Building Program: Day 1 - What do you want to change?
GNA’s Youth Capacity Building Program brought together 23 youths from 7 diverse countries, all united by their interest in addressing human rights concerns and effecting meaningful change. Despite the broad spectrum of human rights issues close to these young minds—ranging from migrant workers' rights to climate change, transitional justice and so on—there was a shared aspiration to make a positive impact.
To channel this collective passion effectively, we organized a program session focused on discovering common ground. Through group discussions, consisting of five or six individuals per group, participants had the opportunity to share their interests and then collectively choose an issue they were impassioned about addressing together and building their campaign around.
GNA invited four experienced campaigners to guide and act as mentors, offering invaluable insights on strategizing a successful campaign, and particularly sharing words of guidance on the crucial phase of choosing a compelling topic.
Each campaigner invited is currently engaging on a campaign that connect Taiwan and Southeast Asia:
- Hsin Hsuan Sun, Environmental Rights Foundation (ERF)
- Yi-hsiang Shih, Taiwan Association for Human Rights (TAHR)
- Jing Ru Wu, Taiwan International Workers’ Association (TIWA)
- Leah Lin, Asia Citizen Future Association (ACFA)
This activity played an important role in the program, fostering connections among Campaigners and participants, while enabling the latter to engage with civil society organisations and NGO workers in Taiwan. Additionally, it served as a platform for the NGO Campaigners to gain insights into the concerns and perspectives of youth from Southeast Asia and Taiwan, providing them with an opportunity to hear and understand what matters to this demographic.
The campaign mentors facilitated the group discussions, ensuring every member had the opportunity to express their personal concerns regarding specific issues. Each participant was given time to share their passion, knowledge, or if they had experiences related to these issues. The diversity within the groups was evident; some participants were seasoned activists deeply involved in particular causes, while many were taking their first steps into grassroots work by joining GNA’s program. This wide spectrum of experiences and expertise enriched the conversations, fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas and perspectives among the participants.
The Campaigners then guided a discussion aimed at helping the group determine a suitable topic to collectively focus on. They prompted questions such as whether there was a prevalent issue resonating with the majority of the group or if there were intersections between various concerns that could be collectively addressed. This pivotal conversation marked the starting point for the group's joint efforts throughout the rest of the program. It was the foundation for their teamwork and guided their direction moving forward.
The outcomes differed among the four groups, as each group independently selected a distinct issue to center their campaign efforts around. Here are each groups topics that they came up with on day 1:
- Orange Team: Changing public mindset towards migrant workers
- Blue Team: Provide education and empowerment to underprivileged people in Taiwan
- Green Team: Providing more support and opportunities to International (Southeast Asian) students living in Taiwan
- Purple Team: Removing monuments of dictators in the region
As the days progressed, the groups continuously shaped and refined their campaign idea, yet these four topics remained the backbone of what each group worked on. Stay tuned for more updates about our program to see how each group's campaign developed!
Feedback from day one’s afternoon session with the campaigners from a participant: