《遺失的映像》The Missing Picture

《遺失的映像》The Missing Picture
此紀錄片為潘希提(Rithy Panh)導演執導,影片以泥偶代替人物、穿插當時殘餘的影像,並以第一人稱旁白講述,紀錄了在赤柬統治時期自身的經歷。他與家人本來在金邊過著富裕的生活,1975年赤柬政權入侵後被送往農村強制勞動,他見證了赤柬的種種暴行,也目睹家人在飢餓、疾病中紛紛死去。在紅色高棉期間(1975-1979),共造成逾200萬人死亡,相當於柬埔寨近1/4的人口,是許多人至今無法忘懷的夢魘,導演希望透過這部紀錄片,重新揭露這段被世人遺忘的歷史。
Recommended by Ching Ting:
Directed by Rithy Panh, the documentary uses clay dolls instead of characters, intersperses residual images of the time, and is narrated in the first person, documenting his own experiences during the period of the Cambodian regime. He and his family used to live well in Phnom Penh, but after the invasion of the Khmer Rouge regime in 1975, they were sent to a forced labor camp in the countryside. He witnessed the atrocities committed by the Khmer Rouge and saw his family members die of starvation and disease. During the Khmer Rouge period (1975-1979), more than two million people died, equivalent to nearly a quarter of the Cambodian population, and it is a nightmare that many people still cannot forget. Through this documentary, the director hopes to re-explore this period of history that has been forgotten.