【來自緬甸邊境: Brennan O'Connor攝影作品講座】 Photographs from Myanmar’s borderlands

亞洲鬧世代「月」勢力本月邀請到邊境攝影師 Brennan O'Connor分享他的緬甸邊境攝影系列作品。他將分享過去13年來在緬甸邊境的所見所聞,並帶來2023年他在緬甸克倫尼邦拍攝的作品。Brennan 記錄下當地民眾孤立無援,在毫無國際支援的情況下,活在頻繁軍方空襲下的真實生活樣貌。
Brennan O'Connor,加拿大籍攝影師,過去十年以自由攝影記者身分活躍於加拿大各大媒體。2010年開始,Brennan致力於報導泰緬、中國、印度和孟加拉邊境地區的緬甸多元族裔不為人知的故事。
他記錄下這些邊境社群在緬甸中央政府統治下的美麗與哀愁。他的作品已經在各國際主要媒體上發表,並獲得了許多獎項,包括法國著名的 Lucas Dolega攝影獎。
🔸 活動日期: 2023年11月7 日 (週二)
🔸 活動時間:19:00 - 20:30
🔸 活動地點: 台北,活動地址會另外以郵件發送。
🔸 活動報名表: https://forms.gle/rjPC2se5bG8B5w8h7
活動語言: 中英雙語
活動主持人: Naomi
GNA Monthly Event feat. Brennan O'Connor | Photographs from Myanmar’s borderlands
Join us for a talk with photographer Brennan O'Connor, who will share images from his long-term photographic project in Myanmar's borderlands. He will also recount his experiences from being on the ground on-and-off in Myanmar for the past 13 years, including his latest trips to Myanmar's Karenni State in 2023. There, he documented the challenges faced by civilians enduring constant airstrikes launched by the military, all while receiving minimal assistance from international agencies.
Brennan O'Connor is a Canadian photographer. After a decade of freelancing for leading media outlets in his country, he devoted himself full-time to pursuing under-reported stories about Myanmar's diverse ethnic minorities in the country's borderlands near Thailand, China, India, and Bangladesh in 2010. During this period, he documented the struggles of these communities resisting Bamar (Burmese) rule both before and during the failed reform period—when nothing really changed—up until the aftermath of the 2021 military coup. His work has been published in various international media outlets and has garnered numerous accolades, including the prestigious Lucas Dolega Prize in France.
Language: Bilingual, EN/CH
🔸 Date: 7th November (Tuesday)
🔸 Time: 19:00 - 20:30pm
🔸 Location: Taipei - The address will be sent via email confirmation.
🔸 RSVP: https://forms.gle/rjPC2se5bG8B5w8h7
Kindly confirm your attendance by filling in the google form.

Photo caption: A man shields a child's face from the sun as they prepare to board a boat that will take them from Kawthaung in southern Myanmar to the Thai border town Ranong. High unemployment and low wages, exacerbated by the long-running civil war, have driven many Myanmar nationals to seek work in nearby Thailand.
IG: brennanoconnorfoto