Job Opportunity: Project Coordinator (Position has been filled)

Project Coordinator 專案人員(專員)
- Generation Now Asia (GNA) is an NGO based in Taiwan. 亞洲鬧世代是一個在台灣的非營利組織。
- Type: Contract/project-based project coordinator. 招聘組織專員一名。
- Salary: 36,000-42,000 NTD/per month. 薪資範圍新台幣36,000-42,000。
- Labour and health insurance included. 包含勞健保。
- Job duration: 1 year (extendable). 合約為一年,依據專案狀況可續約。
- On-boarding time is between 1st October to November 2022. 到職日為10月起。
- Performance bonuses according to the performance appraisals. 依據表現有年終獎金。
- Location: Taipei Taiwan (remote-friendly). 工作地點為台北市。
- Supervisor: Director. 主管為執行長。
Job Description
GNA is now looking to hire a project coordinator to work on our latest project. The project coordinator’s duty includes the implementation of project activities, the documentation of project activities, communication, community development, as well as creating reports and updates for the project manager and other members of management. Please don't hesitate to apply for this job.
Work environment and benefits:
• Generation Now Asia (GNA) is an NGO based in Taiwan.
• Type: Contract/project-based project coordinator
• Salary: 36,000-42,000 NTD/per month.
• Labour insurance included.
• Job duration: 1 year (extendable).
• On-boarding time is between 1st October to November 2022.
• Performance bonuses according to the performance appraisals.
• Location: Taipei Taiwan (remote-friendly).
• Supervisor: Director.
- 薪資範圍新台幣36,000-42,000。
- 包含勞健保。
- 合約為一年,依據專案狀況可續約。
- 到職日為10月起。
- 依據表現有年終獎金。
- 工作地點為台北市。
- 主管為執行長。
- 對於有動機與熱忱的夥伴來說,GNA是一個充滿機會且自由度高的舞台,是立基台灣連結區域公民社會的絕佳起點。
- 其他:綠色植栽、自然採光、多元書籍。
Requirements/ minimum qualifications:
• 2 years of experience in civil society-related work.
• Experience in facilitating workshops or activities in the form of online or in person.
• Knowledge of civil society, NGOs operation and project-related knowledge.
• Ability to collaborate with stakeholders. Ability to work independently and in a team.
• Bachelor degree in psychology, sociology, law, political science, linguistics, anthropology and international relations or equivalent practical experience.
- 兩年公民社會相關之工作經歷。
- 具有主持或協作工作坊、座談會或其他線上/線下活動之經驗。
- 對本土與國際公民社會議題有基礎知識並且有近一步深入的個人動機。
- 有能力與不同背景、立場和經驗的對象與社群發展合作關係。
- 心理、政治、人文社會相關系所優先;其他相關領域也歡迎 (大學(含)以上學歷)。
- 須具備通暢的中文理解、寫作與口語能力;須具備流暢的英文理解、寫作與口語能力。
- 具獨立作業與多工能力,樂於團隊溝通合作,有能力表達個人意見與傾聽外部建議並進行調整。
Preferred qualifications:
• Knowledge and experience in SEA civil society, political issues are an advantage.
• Great relationship agility is an advantage. (particularly to external partner organizations, and interacting with people at a variety of levels across different types of institutions)
• Good communication and interpersonal skills capable of maintaining strong relationships
• Strong organizational and multi-tasking skills
• Excellent analytical and problem-solving abilities
• Team-management and leadership skills
• Documentation management and ability to use project management tools
• Attention to details even under pressure
• Time management skills with the ability to meet deadlines
- 具備東南亞公民社會、政治及文化相關議題的知識與經驗。
- 有敏捷的合作關係經營與維護能力,特別是針對外部的合作方以及目標人群。
- 具備溝通與人際合作能力,可發展與深化合作關係。
- 具備組織與多工能力,能調解壓力,觀照細節,並推進任務。
- 具備分析、批判思考及解決問題的能力。
- 具備時間管理與預算知識。
- 尊重團隊決議並能提出個人觀點。
• Planning meetings, activities
• Planning organizing project logistics
• Implementing project activities
• Developing targeted community and engage targeted audience, especially high school and university students and youths
• Monitoring the weekly progress of projects and providing detailed updates to project managers or other stakeholders
• Organizing reports, invoices, contracts, and other financial files for easy access
• Performing billing and bookkeeping tasks
• Other administrative tasks assigned
- 依據計劃框架,規劃會議或活動。
- 執行與紀錄活動,規劃與提供後勤支援。
- 規劃與協助發展與目標社群的合作關係。
- 須協助翻譯、校對計畫所需之材料與文件。
- 必要時須傳播活動相關資訊,透過專欄文章、懶人包等多元圖文形式。
- 協助秘書處營運工作,例如:交辦之行政工作、活動支援與紀錄、網站更新內文等。
Please send personal statement, CV and recent publications to with email title: “Project Coordinator-OOO”