GNA Weekly鬧報 [試營運] 三個月
![GNA Weekly鬧報 [試營運] 三個月](/content/images/size/w960/2022/11/Morning-Routine--2-.png)
Generation Now Asia(GNA)是立基於台灣的非政府組織,推動台灣及東南亞公民社會的理解與連結,將台灣重新紮根於區域中;我們認為認識鄰居發生的事情,是理解與連結的基礎建設。
GNA將從十一月試營運「GNA Weekly 鬧報」,為期三個月。每週,我們將從可信賴的資訊來源,挑選三篇東南亞的社會運動、人權、政治、公民社會等公共議題新聞,摘要為大綱並翻譯,發送給訂閱者。GNA不會納入額外分析或觀點。
「GNA Weekly 鬧報」希望作為一個入口,與華文訂閱者們一起培養閱讀東南亞公共議題的習慣,在經貿與文化之外,累積對東南亞公民社會相關議題的認識。
Generation Now Asia (GNA) strives to cultivate comprehension and establish meaningful connections between Taiwan and Southeast Asian civil societies. We believe that gaining insights and actively engaging with the events unfolding in neighbouring countries are fundamental building blocks for fostering mutual understanding and forging valuable connections.
GNA weekly shares news articles on social movements, critical human rights issues and other pressing public concerns from across Southeast Asia. Every Friday, we carefully select three reliable news articles and provide mandarin translations, ensuring wider accessibility of the topics to people in Taiwan.
Keep up to date with our weekly selection by following our social media pages and stay informed on these vital issues!