Our work 我們的工作

Raising awareness on Southeast Asia’s human rights issues: GNA works to provide up-to-date information on human rights issues, social movements and the state of civil society in Southeast Asia. Stay in the loop with the latest pressing issues and developments in the region by following our social media pages and following GNA weekly!

提高大眾對東南亞人權議題的認識: 亞洲鬧世代致力於提供有關東南亞人權議題、社會運動和公民社會現況的最新資訊。您只要關注我們的社交媒體,將隨時隨地了解該地區的重要議題和發展動態!

Activities and events for empowering the next generation: We strongly believe young people are exceptional agents for change, and recognise the power of youth-led solutions through active participation and learning. GNA hosts educational events and workshops to build knowledge on grassroots engagement and provide young people with the necessary skills to drive meaningful change. Check our events page for upcoming activities.

青年培力活動: 我們堅信透過積極實踐和學習,青年能為當前社會困境提出解方接方,並帶動社會進步。亞洲鬧世代定期舉辦教育活動和工作坊,協助青年行動者進入在地社群,並為青年提供草根參與必要的技能,繼而推動有意義的變革。

Internship and volunteering for youth changemakers: Youths and local communities are vital assets for building an inclusive society. GNA provides internships and volunteering opportunities for Southeast Asian and Taiwanese youths to learn in Taiwan alongside civil society organisations and community groups. Please check our internship and volunteer pages for further information about our current openings.
