【釋放 Hong 與所有受關押的越南環境人權鬥士 】 Free Hong: A call to free all Vietnamese climate defenders

GNA Monthly Event feat. 350.org 張良伊 | Free Hong: A call to free all Vietnamese climate defenders
亞洲鬧世代座談 feat. 350.org 張良伊|釋放 Hong 與所有受關押的越南環境人權鬥士
Hoang Thi Minh Hong, a prominent environmental activist, was arrested on 31 May and denied access to a lawyer, healthcare and other basic needs. She faces up to seven years imprisonment on spurious charges of tax evasion, a tactic commonly used against climate activists in the country.
Join us for a talk on how Vietnam’s ruling communist party is targeting activists in the climate movement, not respecting their human rights and suppressing civil society’s participation in the country's energy transition.
For this talk we will be joined by Liangyi Chang who will be sharing about 350.org’s campaign Free Hong.
Liangyi Chang is 350.org Asia Managing Director. His concerns about climate change are for future generations and believes that youth can change the world. Starting in 2009, he joined various international NGOs, including participating in UNFCCC's 15th Conference of the Parties. He has visited various countries to learn different perspectives - in 2010 he joined the Across The Ocean project in South pacific islands as a sea level raising witness and in 2013 he joined the 2041 project to Antarctica for an ice melting investigation tour.
Language: Bilingual, EN/CH
Date: 5th October (Thursday)
Time: 19:00 - 20:30pm
Location: Taipei - The address will be sent via email confirmation.
RSVP: https://forms.gle/DyM7x2EW5u5zJPWi7
Kindly confirm your attendance by filling in the google form.
2023年5月31日,越南知名氣候行動鬥士Hoang Thi Minh Hong 被當地政府以莫須有之逃漏稅為由拘留,起初她無法與律師取得任何會面的機會,並無法取得必要之醫療藥物或其他生活基本需求。
她現在正面臨著越南政府模糊的逃漏稅指控,除了罰鍰 67 億越南盾(近900萬台幣),甚至還可能最高判處七年有期徒刑。而在過去兩三年間,越南政府已經不是第一次,用這樣的方式對付氣候、公民意見領袖,越南的公民社會正蔓延著人人自危的氛圍。
這場座談會,我們邀請 350.org 的亞洲管理總監 張良伊分享#FreeHong 的倡議行動是如何串聯全球發起,並針對「越南政府是如何透過違反基本人權的方式,針對氣候運動行動者、公民意見領袖,壓制國內能源轉型中的公民聲音?」為主題,進一步討論與現場問答。
講者簡介 |
張良伊,因為下一個世代的責任,加入不同的國際NGO、參與過聯合國氣候變遷大會、曾登上不同的舞台和大家說故事。總相信未來世代可以改變世界,而把自己丟到不同的國家,為了創造更多不同的視野,曾經見證南太平洋海平面上升、以及參與和南知名氣候行動鬥士 Hong 相同的 2041 冒險計畫,曾親眼看見南極冰層融化的震撼;總相信每一個人在回到學習的場域中,就能夠一起創造出無限的可能,於是不斷地在培訓中突破自己,現任職於國際環保組織350.org亞洲團隊。
活動時間:19:00 - 20:30