【GNA 2024志工培訓】GNA's 2024 Volunteer Training
臺灣是超過 40,000 名緬甸人和緬甸移民的家園,其中一部分人是由於祖國的經濟和政治動盪而逃離緬甸的。當他們在臺灣找到安全的地方時,他們中的許多人動員起來支持他們在緬甸的同胞,協助對抗於2021 年 2 月 1 日發動政變的軍政府。GNA 的新計畫旨在為我們的青年變革者提供一個平臺,讓他們參與草根活動,深入瞭解關鍵的地區問題,並為緬甸行動者和生活在臺灣的青年提供支援。
- 資訊蒐集和鬧報小組:研究和瞭解東南亞緊迫的人權議題,並向 GNA 社群提供重要的每週新聞。與您的隊友一起為GNA的核心專案發行週報。
- 社群媒體與研究小組:製作引人入勝的社群媒體和網站內容,提高人們對東南亞人權議題的認識。
- 社群與活動小組:為臺灣人和東南亞人舉辦活動,建立草根參與知識,並提供文化交流和區域團結的平臺。

On May 5th 2024, GNA held a one-day training workshop to introduce our new volunteer project in collaboration with Myanmar activists in Taiwan and introduce GNA’s new volunteer working groups.
The training consisted of GNA community members and new volunteer friends from Taiwan and Southeast Asia who wish to join our new initiative.
Why Myanmar?
Taiwan is home to over 40,000 Burmese and immigrants from Myanmar, a part of whom have fled Myanmar due to economic and political unrest in their home country. As they find safety in Taiwan, many among them are mobilising efforts to support their compatriots in Myanmar, aiding in the fight against the military junta who launched a coup on 1 February, 2021. GNA’s new project seeks to provide a platform for our youth changemakers to engage in grassroots initiatives, gain insights into critical regional issues, and lend support to Burmese activists and youth living in Taiwan.
Why Introduce Working Groups?
To foster collaboration and mutual support among our youth volunteers, we've organised our volunteer opportunities into specialised working groups. By forming dynamic teams that combine diverse skills, these groups will help support youth changemakers, encourage teamwork and help bring their ideas to life!
We believe that youth can play an impactful role in driving social movements forward and we recognise collaboration as a fundamental principle for the success of grassroots initiatives. By creating these new working groups we hope that GNA can provide a platform for youth to take initiative, hone their activism skills, and cultivate leadership capabilities.
What are the working groups?
- Media Monitoring and GNA Weekly: Researching and keeping up to date with pressing human rights issues in Southeast Asia and presenting important weekly news to GNA’s community. Issuing GNA Weekly with your teammates for the core project of GNA.
- Social Media, Research and Articles: Raising awareness of Southeast Asia’s human rights issues by producing engaging social media and website content.
- Educational, Cultural and Community Building Events: Organising events for Taiwanese and Southeast Asians to build knowledge on grassroots engagement and provide a platform for cultural exchange and regional solidarity.
At the training session, we introduced our newly appointed working group leaders: Ching-Ting, Meg, and Kiwi. These exceptional individuals have been chosen through GNA's youth changemaker program, where they will receive ongoing leadership guidance and mentorship from our team. We're thrilled to entrust these driven young leaders with the helm of the working groups and are very much looking forward to seeing the innovative ideas they'll spearhead.

GNA’s Value Tree:
Collaboratively with all participants, we articulated the core values we collectively believe should define the GNA community. By engaging everyone in this process, we aimed to ensure that our community's ethos truly reflects the diverse perspectives and feelings of its working groups members.
All participants have pledged their commitment to these working groups for a minimum of six months. Our team at GNA cannot wait to see the flourishing of this youth-led program during this upcoming period. Additionally, we look forward to providing more support to the Burmese and Southeast Asian communities in Taiwan, and working together to promote human rights.