菲律賓人支持巴勒斯坦:菲律賓和巴勒斯坦的解放鬥爭如何相互關聯 Filipinos for Palestine: How the Philippine and Palestinian struggle for national liberation are interconnected

作者:GNA第一期實習生|Earn and Zari
巴勒斯坦和菲律賓人民有著共同反對殖民主義的歷史。 這孕育了一代又一代的抗爭者,他們繼續為自決和土地權所奮鬥。 這場座談邀請到菲律賓青年行動者分享,了解菲律賓和巴勒斯坦民族解放抗爭的相似之處和交叉點,以及年輕人必須採取哪些行動。
Julia Mariano是國際移民組織台灣分部的發言人,該組織是在台灣菲律賓移工的權益組織。他們早期在菲律賓參與抗議活動的起點是成為 Anakbayan 的成員。 Anakbayan是一個全國性的民主群眾運動,在世界各地都有分會,旨在推動真正的國家民主,堅決反對外國帝國主義勢力。他們在這個激進的青年組織中的背景塑造了他們,透過爭取權利和擴大鬥爭的交叉性,在學生、工人和農民之間建立團結。移居台灣後,他們不斷透過組織工會和參加勞工權利的倡議,積極組織針對菲律賓移人的倡議活動。
🔸 活動語言: 中英雙語
🔸 活動日期: 2023年12月19日 (週二)
🔸 活動時間:19:00 - 20:30
🔸 活動地點: 台北,活動地址會另外以郵件發送。
🔸 活動報名表: https://forms.gle/Knex4j4vhEhLhq7k7
Filipinos for Palestine: How the Philippine and Palestinian struggle for national liberation are interconnected
Author: GNA Interns- Earn and Zari
The Palestinian and Filipino people have a shared history of struggling against colonialism. This has birthed generations of revolutionaries who continue to fight for self-determination and the right to their land.
For this event we will be joined by Julia Mariano who will share parallels and intersections of the Filipino and Palestinian struggle for national liberation as we hope to raise awareness among youths about the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, often described as a genocide. Julia will explain why what is happening in Palestine is relevant to Southeast Asia and Taiwan, while emphasizing the importance of solidarity in addressing this issue.
About the speaker:
Julia Mariano (they/them) is the spokesperson for Migrante International-Taiwan chapter, a rights organization for Filipino migrant workers in Taiwan. Their early involvement with activism in the Philippines began from being a member of Anakbayan, a national democratic mass movement with chapters worldwide, that push for genuine national democracy and strict opposition to foreign imperialist powers. Their background in this militant youth organization has shaped them in forging the solidarity among the students, workers, and peasants sector through campaigning for their rights and amplifying the intersectionality of their struggles. After having moved to Taiwan, they have been active in organizing efforts towards Filipino migrant workers through union building and workers’ rights campaigns.
What must the youth do to take action? In the face of a growing resistance and worsening humanitarian crisis, join us in deepening our understanding and strengthening our solidarity.
Language: Bilingual, EN/CH
Date: 19 December 2023 (Tuesday)
Time: 19.00 - 20.30pm
Venue: Taipei - The address will be sent via email confirmation.
RSVP: https://forms.gle/Knex4j4vhEhLhq7k7
Kindly confirm your attendance by filling in the google form.