Our Events 我們的活動
We host a series of educational community events and workshops for Taiwanese and Southeast Asian youth to build knowledge on grassroots engagement and provide young people with the necessary skills to drive meaningful change.
Upcoming Events
【馬來西亞的多重宇宙:探索當代馬來西亞的族群議題】Exploring Ethnic Issues in Contemporary Malaysia
For May’s “GNA monthly” event we will invite Youth of Malaysia to share with us about ethnic issues in Malaysia and have open discussions on rethinking the relationship between ethnic groups, nations and countries.
【為了在東南亞的巴勒斯坦難民】Birds of Solidarity - Palestinian Refugees in Southeast Asia
For this family friendly event we will be joining the community art project “Birds of Gaza” and inviting you all to join us in making origami birds to remember the children killed in Israel’s ongoing genocidal campaign in Gaza.
Past Events
【為青年變革者提供的GNA志工培訓】GNA Volunteer Training for Youth Changemakers
我們相信志工的力量能夠創造有意義的改變,並為我們的青年計畫提供寶貴的支援。本次培訓歡迎所有希望成為GNA志工的人參加。通過為期一天的培訓工作坊,我們將分享GNA與在臺緬甸行動者合作的新志工計畫,並介紹 GNA新的志工工作小組!
We believe in the power of volunteers to create meaningful change and provide invaluable support to our youth programs. This volunteer training welcomes everyone who wishes to volunteer for GNA to join. Through this one-day training workshop we will be sharing GNA’s new volunteer project in collaboration with Myanmar activists in Taiwan and introducing GNA’s new volunteer working groups!
【GNA 獨家!中-泰語言交流】 Thai - Mandarin Language Exchange
你想要開始學習新語言或提升語言能力嗎?加入GNA,參加我們專為台灣和東南亞青年量身打造的泰語 - 中文語言交流活動吧!
คุณอยากที่จะเรียนรู้ภาษาใหม่หรือพัฒนาทักษะทางภาษาของคุณหรือไม่ ถ้าใช่ เชิญมาเข้าร่วมกิจกรรมของ GNA เพื่อแลกเปลี่ยนและฝึกสนทนาภาษาไทย-จีนกลาง ซึ่งจัดสำหรับเยาวชนชาวไต้หวันและเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้
Are you looking to start learning a new language or improving your linguistic skills? Join GNA for an engaging Thai-Mandarin Chinese language exchange tailored for Taiwanese and Southeast Asian youth!
【緬甸移工在泰國:日益脆弱且高升的受剝削風險】Burmese Migrant Workers in Thailand: Growing Vulnerability and Risks of Exploitation
Join us for an event with research experts to reflect on the challenges faced by Burmese migrant workers in Thailand, and consider the hidden costs in supply chains. Through an interactive workshop during this event participants will have the opportunity to explore the urgent need to create robust protection mechanisms to support Southeast Asian migrant workers in the region and discuss how as individuals we can contribute to ethical consumer practices.
【家庭看護與現代奴隸的距離】 Addressing Modern-Day Slavery: Advocating for Southeast Asian Domestic Workers' Rights in Taiwan
Join us for an event to learn about the challenges faced by women domestic workers in Taiwan, discover how migrant worker labour unions are mobilising to advocate for the Household Service Act, calling for improved rights and working conditions.
且讓我們邀請 TIWA 的研究員靜如,他將與我們分享台灣家務移工面臨的挑戰,以及如何透過倡議《家事服務法》改善家務移工的權利和工作條件。
2024年03月23日 ~ 24日
短影音創作工作坊 in 東協廣場
【為了在東南亞的巴勒斯坦難民】Solidarity Nights - Palestinian Refugees in Southeast Asia
A night of unity and support. Let’s come together and express our solidarity for Palestinians. We will not be silent in the face of injustice. For this event, we'll be raising awareness and collecting gifts for Palestinian refugees in the Philippines.
【菲律賓農民權益、貧困及土地掠奪】 Farmers Rights, Poverty & Land Grabbing in the Philippines
Join us for a talk on the pervasive human rights violations linked to land grabbing as we question our food systems and who owns the land, and hear from Gi Estrada, who will be sharing why farming communities in the Philippines remain impoverished and how locals are mobilising to demand land rights.
邀請您加入我們的座談,一同討論關於土地掠奪所引發的普遍人權侵犯,同時對我們的食物體系和土地所有權議題提出質疑,並聽聽Gi Estrada分享他對菲律賓農村社區(特別是民答那峨島)為何仍陷貧困的深入研究,以及當地人如何團結起來爭取土地權益。
2024年01月11日 ~ 13日
【GNA 選舉觀察團】 2024 GNA Youth Election Observation Tour
Join Generation Now Asia's (GNA) 2024 Youth Election Observation Tour for Southeast Asian youth and students in Taiwan! Understand Taiwan's presidential election, dive into social issues, and engage in collective learning with fellow young people - Don't miss this chance for a unique educational experience of Taiwan’s democratic process!
參加亞洲鬧世代(GNA) 2024年東南亞青年學生與台灣青年選舉觀察團! 了解台灣總統選舉,深入探討社會議題,與年輕人一起集體學習-不要錯過這次獨特的台灣民主進程教育體驗機會!
【菲律賓人支持巴勒斯坦:菲律賓和巴勒斯坦的解放鬥爭如何相互關聯 】 Filipinos for Palestine
For this event we will be joined by Julia Mariano who will share parallels and intersections of the Filipino and Palestinian struggle for national liberation as we hope to raise awareness among youths about the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.
2023年11月17日 ~ 19日
【亞洲鬧世代青年培力營】 Youth Capacity Building Program
A three-day residential experience for young changemakers: Inviting Taiwanese and Southeast Asian youth to come together to build essential skills in human rights advocacy and campaign building for social change.
【來自緬甸邊境: Brennan O'Connor攝影作品講座】 Photographs from Myanmar’s borderlands
Join us for a talk with photographer Brennan O'Connor, who will share images from his long-term photographic project in Myanmar's borderlands.
亞洲鬧世代「月」勢力本月邀請到邊境攝影師 Brennan O'Connor分享他的緬甸邊境攝影系列作品。
【與GNA一起參加台灣同志大遊行】 Walk Taiwan Pride Parade with GNA
Join GNA at 2023 Taiwan LGBT+ Pride as we walk together in support of LGBTQ+ rights, love, and equality.
【GNA 遊行標語牌創作工作坊】Pride Placard Making with GNA
As Taipei Pride season approaches, GNA are holding a Pride Placard Making Evening! Join us by getting creative, expressing your support and love for the LGBTQ+ community by designing your very own Pride-themed placard.
【釋放 Hong 與所有受關押的越南環境人權鬥士 】Free Hong: A call to free all Vietnamese climate defenders
Join us for a talk on how Vietnam’s ruling communist party is targeting activists in the climate movement, not respecting their human rights and suppressing civil society’s participation in the country's energy transition.
這場座談會,我們邀請 350.org 的亞洲管理總監 張良伊分享#FreeHong 的倡議行動是如何串聯全球發起,並針對「越南政府是如何透過違反基本人權的方式,針對氣候運動行動者、公民意見領袖,壓制國內能源轉型中的公民聲音?」為主題,進一步討論與現場問答。
2023年9月13日, 7:00pm-8:30pm
Youth Capacity Building Program Application Q&A
A Q&A session inviting anyone interested in attending our Youth Capacity Building Question to have the opportunity to raise any queries you may have about the application process and program
Past Events Notes 講座筆記