'Air-Conditioned Nation Revisited' by Cherian George

'Air-Conditioned Nation Revisited' by Cherian George
這本書精選了Cherian George 2000年至2020年的文章。作者以詼諧且精準的文字探討新加坡的政治,同時激發讀者對於政治社會議題、新聞自由、公民社會,以及民主的反思。任何想要了解新加坡的人都應該讀這本書!
Recommend by Doris:
Through Cherian George's witty writing, this book succinctly explains Singapore's political landscape and how it came to be. With a critical voice, George provokes thoughts and reflections about social and political issues, from press freedom, civil society to discussing democracy. Anyone who would like to understand Singapore through an uncensored lens should read this book.