【為了在東南亞的巴勒斯坦難民】Birds of Solidarity - Palestinian Refugees in Southeast Asia

這是一個適合家庭參與的活動,也是一個集體活動。我們將首先舉行一些簡短的非正式會談,然後進行摺紙鳥的製作,並在鳥上寫上聲援的話語。我們將為這個藝術和手工藝活動提供材料 - 雖然如果您願意,我們歡迎您自己攜帶紙張和著色用品與社群分享。之後,我們將收集這些鳥類,以提高人們對加薩正在發生的事情的認識。
🔸 活動日期: 2024年5月18日星期六
🔸 活動時間:下午2:30至下午5:30
🔸 活動地點: 台北市大安區基隆路四段148號 (台大城鄉所)
An afternoon of unity and support. Let’s come together to express solidarity for Palestinians. We will not be silent in the face of injustice.
For this event we will be joining the community art project “Birds of Gaza” and inviting you all to join us in making origami birds to remember the children killed in Israel’s ongoing genocidal campaign in Gaza. Through the power of collective art we will be highlighting the atrocities that have led to over 34,000 Palestinians being mercilessly killed, over 14,000 of them are children.
Many Palestinian’s have been forced to flee and seek refuge in various parts of the world, including small numbers to Southeast Asia. A multitude of them endure financial hardships, lack identification documents and are denied basic human rights. For this event, we'll be raising awareness and collecting gifts for Palestinian refugees and students in Indonesia.
This is a family friendly event and a collective effort. We will first begin the event with some short informal talks and then follow with making origami birds and writing words of solidarity on our birds together. We will be providing materials for this arts and craft activity - though we welcome you to bring your own paper and colouring supplies to share with the community if you wish. Afterwards, we will collect the birds so that they can be exhibited to raise awareness of what is happening in Gaza.
No art expertise or experience is necessary, and this event is open to all age groups.
It would be helpful to get an idea of numbers to know how many materials we need to supply, so please let us know if you intend to come along by signing up in the form here: https://forms.gle/2krASQu8HuNX1aAX7
🔸 When: Saturday 18th May 2024
🔸 Time: 2:30-5:30pm
🔸 Where: No. 148, Sec. 4, Keelung Road, Da’an District, Taipei
🔸 Cost: Contribute what you can, minimum 100 NTD, maximum unlimited
Partner: 台大城鄉所